Brexit 3: No brain er

Garry Hurskainen-Green
3 min readJun 21, 2016


A moving silk screen that hangs on my wall called “… simply go out …”. Full credit to artist Peter.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Bard would surely be amused about the referendum debate 400 years after his death. Shakespeare’s day was a time of enormous change for England and English.

Much Ado About Nothing?

Or everything? Let’s face it, this referendum has little to do with the UK, it’s not even about Britain. It’s about England and the perceived image of being English. Quote: I want my England back.

In fact, much is about white, old (or ageing) English men. Let’s fly the pure red and white flag of St George’s cross yet again. Let the rhetoric and the major players be our witnesses to the fact.

Peculiar Dialogue, little Debate

Lacking true arguments, debate errs on the side of bullying leading to extremes.

My Take on the Issues

Sovereignty: Scotland will leave fairly soon and the “Kingdom” (or Queendom) will loose the “United” and “Great”. Over time, the Welsh and Northern Irish will be sidelined. This magnificent country will reveal altered attitudes.

National Heath: Face it, the main issues of the healthcare system in the UK have been poor planning and mismanagement for decades. Promised investments will be water off a duck’s back. Rewind twenty years, check immigration figures and ask why it was in an unhealthy state then.

International Trade: Nothing prevents UK businesses being successful around the globe today, so what would this promised nirvana arise from?

Pensions: Native English don’t seem to bear enough offspring. Immigration from cultures that see family life differently will have to continue. Consult demographics reports. Oh dear.

Tax: Rates of tax and methods of support are issues for national governments within the EU. A few minor exceptions exist. No change there.

Respect: New UK will struggle to keep its global status. The days of being held in high esteem may fade for a very long time.

Future Complainers:

The out campaigners complain that what they supposedly joined up to all those years ago is today no longer what the were promised. I wonder why they feel so confident to sign up to a new future that has not been defined in the slightest.

Balanced Decision, Biased Opinion or No-Brainer

My third and last article is biased. I apologise to all. I have watched the UK from without for many decades and more recently from within. I have watched and criticised the EU and the Euro from within for decades and more recently from the outside. That’s why.

Alls Well that Ends Well

I have read all I could and have researched all I could find. I do not have children, so could have less responsibility to future generations. I work online so can live almost anywhere. Yet I still passionately believe in “Brain” and go with the remain camp on June 23. The majority of Brits I know will too. I have enjoyed debating with many people of a different opinion and thank them all.

But I especially raise my hat to each and every person who takes the time to go to the polls to place their cross. Whatever their age, gender, culture, origin, upbringing or profession. I wish them well.

Review, if you will, this wonderful, well written piece from Marco:



Garry Hurskainen-Green

Publish expat guides, country guides, founding a children’s creative centre, writing & marketing. Love life! Love people!